Breaking news two of Coventry City players who could follow Ben Sheaf out of the CBS Arena

Coventry City is baie ver weg van ‘n plek in die play-offs wanneer die season eindig. Hulle sal die komende wedstryd aanpak met ‘n spesifieke doelwit in gedagte. hulle kan egter gedwing word om dit te doen sonder ‘n paar van hulle beste spelers tans. Ben Sheaf, a midfielder who was one of the most notable players last term at the CBS Arena, looks likely to move into the Premier League without his current club, with Ipswich Town and Fulham apparently interested. Daar is ‘n moontlikheid dat hy nie alleen is in sy pad na die uiteindelike sukses nie, aangesien the Sky Blues het ‘n squad vol potensieel talentvolle jong spelers, en spanne in hoër posisies kan probeer om voordeel te trek uit hul status in die tweede tier. Here, FLW




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