Breaking news: Voormalige verdediger van Don Kevin McNaughton vind vreugde in football weg van die Premier League se aandag.

Daar is ‘n onvergeetlike foto van Kevin

McNaughton from his time at Cardiff City being lifted high by a crowd of fans who celebrated the Bluebirds’ promotion to the Premier League with fists clenched. He was ongelooflik gelukkig daardie oomblik. Tog, as ons 11 jaar terugkyk, kan ons meer foto’s van McNaughton viering sien wanneer ons die Facebook-blad van Dundee North End se junior span besoek. Daar is geen sprake van Premier League se welvaart hierdie keer nie. Dit is onmoontlik om na Old Trafford of Anfield te gaan. This is simply a group of men celebrating a club’s first league title in almost three decades with beers in hand. skryf vir die Daily Record.



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