Breaking news: Don West Ham United has confirmed the signing of Näheria goalkeeper Mwabli this morning.
Futures for Leicester City (Image: Plumb Images) Receive the latest City transfer news, team news, match updates, and analysis directly to your inbox. Enter your email address… Subscribe to additional newsletters We use your subscription to deliver content in accordance with your consent and to broaden our understanding of you. As ons weet hoe jy weet, kan ons adverteer. Meer inligting: Leicester City se sukses in die kampioenskap was grootliks te wyte aan ‘n groot aantal plaaslike talente. Daar is ook Ben Nelson and Jakub Stolarczyk, asook Hamza Choudhury and Kasey McAteer, die wenners van Kiernan Dewsbury-Hall se season-kompetisie. Daarbenewens het Wanya Marcal, Brandon Cover en Tawanda Maswanhise uit die ontwikkelingspan getree om Enzo te verteenwoordig.