Breaking news for Everton in the summer is expected to be extraordinary. Daarbenewens sal die begeerte van aanhangers vir ‘n paar belangrike aankope nie deur dit belemmer word nie. Inderdaad, in die vorige jaar was hulle verwag om

The summer of Everton is expected to be

extraordinary. Daarbenewens sal die begeerte van aanhangers vir ‘n paar belangrike aankope nie deur dit belemmer word nie. Though they were expected to be very hampered last year, they still welcomed people like Beto, Youssef Chermiti, and Jack Harrison. Crowds return to Wembley for Leicester v Southampton, but with Kevin Thelwell coming out and declaring that players must be sold, it seems that Premier League survival has not been enough to give them the money they need to get out of their PSR disaster. Daar is egter steeds ‘n paar verslaggewing wat daarop dui dat daar ‘n proses van transfer is. Everton is in gesprek oor ‘n ooreenkoms oor ‘n oordrag, volgens Leeds Live.



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