Juan Soto Getty: Juan Soto, a slugger by the New York Yankees, is expected to decline any in-season offers from the team and opt for free agency, regardless The front office of the New York Yankees has expressed optimism about the possibility of securing Juan Soto, a generational talent, for a long period of time before he ever enters free agency. in ‘n onlangs onderhou met Jack Curry of YES, waari hoofbestuurd
Hal Steinbrenner aandu dat hy belangs om ‘n in-season extension t onderhan. Soto het aan Curry ges dat hy “always happy to talk with Hal” en dat sy “door is always open” vir kontrakte.Daarbenewens implis dit nie dat ‘n ooreenk voor die einde van die season berei sal word nie.Naturally, Boras and Soto want the Yankees to bid now and frequently to raise the price. As gevolg hiervan is hulle heeltemal geskik vir Steinbrenner se voorstelle vir hierdie somer,Randy Miller rapporteer vir NJ.com. However, regardless of the amount of money offered during the season, if Steinbrenner actually makes one, Soto will not accept it.